University of York
Department of Biology
Technology Facility
I & C Technical Guides

Biofilm Homepage
Flow cell
Useful links


There is an online hypertextbook on all aspects of Biofilms targeted for different levels of expertise. Note that it is only partially complete however.

Some of the many other resources on general aspects of biofilms and methods to grow and analyze biofilms include chapters in several issues of Current Protocols in Microbiology.

The website of the Montana State University Center of Biofilm Engineering has background information and many examples of their imaging work.

G.A. O’Toole’s website has information on their Biofilm research and pictures of their set up.

You can find out more about microbiology research in general at the Unviersity of York in the Research foci pages and in particular in the Marian Van der Woude lab page and Centre for Immunology and Infection website.

Useful resources for hardware and fluorochromes:

Biosurface Technologies


Omega optical filters

Semrock optical filters

Carl Zeiss Objectives database


Invitrogen Fluorescence Spectraviewer




Solent Scientific


Other useful resourses:

Society for General Microbiology

Royal Microscopical Society

Microscopy Primer

Confocal Bulletin Board


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Imaging and Cytometry Laboratory
Technology Facility, Department of Biology
University of York, PO Box 373
York, YO10 5YW, UK
Last modified on 3 August 2009 by Jo Marrison